Digital Done

ya, making video games and a large part of digital art - I can't keep trying anymore. I can't seem to get across that huge disconnect I experience when using certain technologies to create my arts. That gap is to great. There is this tangability factor that is entirely lost between artist and any kind of digital art, and that missing piece is driving me crazy. It is not real.

And if i havent already expressed my discontent for the constant updates the dev and graphics software goes through. GRRRRRR! 
It's like having a stranger come to your studio mid project and take some of your paints and brushes, and specifily the ones you are currently using, leaving you with a mix of non compatible paints and 'special effect' brushes that are a kin to twigs and the bottom of a shoe while poking holes in your canvas every so n, and smearing the existing work into a muddy mess. Then cry out "updated" and they skip away -  but before they are out the door "oh, but I will be back next week".
Want to know how many software updates or hardware failures the last 8 years ive had to endue with paper and pencil? nada. Can you imagine that level reliability and stability? 

My largest struggle aside from the lack of the tangable - trying to figure out how to get the tools to do what i want to do when the range of what it is capable of doing is a fraction of what I want it to be able to do. pencil and paper I can with ease. and do not tell me that you have to be smarter than the tech nonsence. Give me a break. If the tech is not capable of do something - there is no amount of being smarter than it that is going to get it to do what it simply can not do. And dont tell me AI is a solution either. roflmfao. what a joke!

What did I learn in my last 8 years of indie game design n dev? I hate technology with a growing passion. I hate social media even more. 

Long live Table Top!

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